Water and Soil Probiotic containing Ammonia Oxidizing Probiotic Strains and Ammonia Binders in Liquid Form


Composition: NitroCurb-L contains beneficial microbes including Thiobacillus sps., Nitrosomonas sps., Nitrobacter sps., Bacillus sps., and Pseudomonas in a liquid formulation.


Overview: Ammonia, a nitrogenous compound common in aquaculture ponds, results from improper breakdown of proteins, nitrogenous materials in feeds, dead algae, and fish excreta settling at pond bottoms. Toxic to fish and shrimp above 1 PPM, elevated ammonia levels cause severe toxicity, potentially leading to comatose states and death unless removed. Primary sources include feed proteins and diffusion from sediment, exacerbated by low oxygen levels promoting organic matter putrefaction. Insufficient ammonia-degrading microbes at pond bottoms lead to accumulation. NitroCurb-L application prevents ammonia formation, enhancing phytoplankton growth. Its beneficial microbes release bound phosphorus and other minerals, further boosting phytoplankton levels.


Toxic Levels of Ammonia: Toxicity generally starts above 0.1 PPM, with recognized toxicity ranging from 0.53 – 22.8 PPM, causing skin, eye, gill, and internal organ damage.


Effects of Ammonia on Fish/Shrimp:


  • Reduced flavor and increased susceptibility to disease, stress, and mortality.
  • Decreased pond oxygen levels.

Benefits of NitroCurb-L:


  • High efficiency in binding ammonia and toxic gases, promoting beneficial bacteria growth in ponds and fish gut.
  • Ammonia oxidizing enzymes from Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Bacillus, and Pseudomonas (Ammonia monooxygenases) convert ammonia into nitrates, benefiting plankton nutrition.
  • Combined binders and microorganisms rapidly reduce pond ammonia levels, alleviating fish and shrimp from toxicity.



  • 5 Liters per acre with a pond depth of 1 meter monthly, or as advised by an aquaculture consultant.
  • 10 Liters per acre with a 1 meter depth in case of plankton crash.

Application: Mix the required dosage of NitroCurb-L in pond water and evenly distribute over the pond in the morning.


Availability: Available in 10 liters and 50 liters bulk packings upon request.

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